Big 5 Safari Experiences in East Africa : The phrase ‘Big 5’ came from the early days of game hunting. The most hazardous wildlife animals to hunt were leopards, buffalo, rhino, lions and elephants thus they were seen as costliest trophies by poachers and trophy hunters. The big 5 are still the most spectacular encounters while on a safari. The following are the greatest sites in Africa to watch the Big 5.
The Ngorongoro Conservation area in Tanzania provides excellent animals watching. Although animals may migrate in and out of the crater as they ascend the craters high caldera walls involve a lot of effort and thus many species live within. This contains a robust black rhino population and these cautious animals are rarely observed in the east Africa. The four of the big 5 are plenty however, sighting of the leopards are less but the other secretive cats can be seen in Serengeti national park which is next after Ngorongoro conservation area.
The Masai Mara national reserve is a home to all big 5 animals however it’s known for its large cats. While on a safari you can spot the cheetahs and lions which are many and leopards are as well frequently sighted. Black rhinos are also there but your chances of sighting one are minimal. Both black and white rhinos are seen at Lake Nakuru national park a famous stopover as your heading to Masai Mara.
Rwanda is popular for having mountain gorillas which are found in the volcanoes national park but it has the big 5 as well as other savannah creatures. Akagera national park is the ideal place for a safari in Rwanda. Wildlife here was severely decimated by fighting and poaching but it has made a rebound since 2010. After the return of black rhinos and lions in 2017, akagera national park offers an amazing opportunity to see the big 5.
Murchison falls national park in Uganda is worth seeing while on a safari for a breathtaking landscape as well as its animals. The Victoria Nile river cuts it in half and a boat ride to the foot of the parks amazing waterfall. The river is a home to a number of animals such as hippos and crocodiles, buffalos and elephants on the bank in the afternoon. Murchison falls national park isn’t complete big 5 location because the rhino isn’t there but it’s complete with a stopover at the Ziwa rhino sanctuary.
Leopards are smaller and light than jaguars with comparable rosettes on their coats and are known as black panthers. Leopards are solitary species that employ camouflage well and are powerful enough to haul their food up into trees away from competing predators and scavengers. Leopards are among the quickest large cats reaching speeds of 58km/36m per hour. Leopards are masters of camouflage and are inherently reclusive and nocturnal thus making them difficult to discover and study in the wild.

Lions were among the most common big terrestrial animals after humans around 10,000 years ago. These species are threatened species with the majority of the world’s wild lions found in sub-Saharan Africa. In comparison to other cats, lions are exceptionally sociable, a pride includes of related mothers, cubs and a few adult males. Prides spend their days sleeping in luxury and hunting between night fall and dawn. Females hunt in groups and are considered Apex predators.
The African buffalo which is often known as the Cape buffalo is a huge, horned bovine native to south and east Africa. The horns of both men and females create a bone shield over the top of their heads. Buffalos are unpredictable and brave that’s why they have never been tamed. They are not domestic cattle’s forebears and are only distantly related to other bovines such as the Asian water buffalo. Its only lions which have a collective strength to hunt buffalos and these bovines are not easy. They can fight themselves and even go ahead to protect their other members. A herd of buffalo can readily scare a pride of lions and evidence exists of a stubborn buffalo putting its head down and just walking away from adolescent lions.
Male African elephants are the world’s biggest terrestrial animals, standing 4 meters [13 feet] tall and weighing up to 7000kg. Their incisors develop into tusks which they use to move items, dig and as weapons while their notorious ears aid in body temperature regulation. Females with calves reside in family groupings whereas older males live alone or in bachelor herds. Elephants are sociable creatures with several family groups associating together.
Rhinos vary in colour from pale grey to medium brown. The form of their upper lip, indicates which subspecies they are. The top lip of a black rhino is hooked and pointed whereas the upper lip of a white rhino is broad and square. The species is highly endangered that’s why they are slaughtered to meet Asian demand for their horns. A rhino horn is formed of keratin, the same material as human hair and nails therefore it will grow if severed. The illicit trade on the other hand values the base of the horn under the skin and collecting it causes such severe wounds that rhinos who could have survived the initial assault die of shock and blood loss when their horns are removed by chainsaw or machete.